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  • πŸ“’ Wednesday, 09:00 - 16:00

Date: Wednesday 19th of october, in Oslo!

Gib's Product Strategy Workshop will help you to define a compelling product strategy. Using highly engaging cases from his experience at Netflix, Gib demystifies product strategy through four product strategy frameworks he developed during his 30-year product career.


Agenda product strategy workshop

How the Workshop Works

Here’s the pre-reading for the workshop:

How to Define Your Product Strategy

Gib wrote this step-by-step essay on Medium (it now has 20,000 β€œlikes”).

Participants will also receive a 30-minute pre-watch video a week before the workshop.

Based on a pre-event survey, Gib will assign participants to teams with two to five peers. If you’re attending with a teammate from work, you can develop a product strategy for your product. If you’re attending on your own, or prefer to have a little more fun, you can work on a product you know and love– like Spotify, Shopify, Stripe or Instagram.

In the workshop, Gib introduces four product strategy frameworks:

  • DHM. Delighting Customers in Hard to copy, Margin-enhancing ways. This forms the foundation for product strategies.
  • GEM. Prioritizing Growth, Engagement, and Margin. This model helps companies to identify their high-level engagement metric to measure product quality and build alignment across organizations.
  • SMT. Strategy, Metrics and Tactics. This model helps teams to assign a proxy metric to each strategy, along with tactics or projects.
  • Rolling 4-quarter Roadmap. The roadmap expresses the product strategy, along with rough timing. Gib shares two formats: a rolling four-quarter project roadmap project as well as an output-based roadmap.

Each team will build a product strategy presentation using preformatted Google Slides. Towards the end of the session, each team will present its strategy to a paired team.

To conclude the workshop, Gib will simulate a Netflix Quarterly Product Strategy Meeting demonstrating how Netflix debates product strategy as he leads a discussion about two modern-day β€œWhat should Netflix do?” cases.

About Gibson Biddle - Y 2022 πŸ‘‘

Gib joined Netflix in 2005 as VP of Product, helping the company to grow from one million to twenty million members, and transitioned from DVDs by mail to streaming. In 2010, Gib became Chief Product Officer of Chegg, a textbook rental and online homework help company that went public in 2015. Today, Gib teaches at both Stanford and INSEAD and gives product strategy talks and workshops all around the world. As an advisor, Gib helped three companies go public in the last three years (NerdWallet, Metromile, Life360).

This speaker attended in 2022

β€œGib is the most efficient product leader I've worked with. His product mentorship and cultural impact on the company were undeniable. I use much of what I learned from Gib in my current role as a product leader.” - Shout out from Linkedin

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