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  • 📢 Wednesday, 09:00 - 15:30

This workshop will make you better at product discovery. You will be introduced to a radical discovery method that helps overcome the most common barriers to effective discovery work. In order to maximize information retention, the down-to-earth techniques will be practiced first, and dissected together afterwards.

Tons of literature explains why it’s important to be customer-focused.

In a perfect world, you would have infinite time to study customers desires and behaviors, allowing you to make the best possible decisions about what digital product to build. In real life, things are more messy: you don’t have time to do discovery work, your boss already came up with a solution, or the customer data that you gathered doesn’t lead to one clear solution.

Target group for this workshop
This workshop is aimed at people who operate in sub-optimal work environments and who would like to build great products nonetheless.

You will learn
In this workshop, you will learn step by step the method called Discovery Discipline, which brings clarity, speed and effectiveness to any team keen on mastering product discovery.

You will practice simple and effective tools like:

  • Success criteria: to find the balance between your goal, the second-order effects you are likely to trigger and the amount of efforts you can effort to spend
  • First use case: to select the specific user situation that offers an opportunity for you to leverage
  • First tweet: to synthesize the promise you will make to your target segment, in common day language

This 1-day workshop has received 96% satisfaction from previous participants. It is a hands-on experience from beginning to end, with many real-life experiences shared to make things as actionable as possible.

About Rémi Guyot - Y 2023 👑

This speaker attended in 2023

Rémi Guyot was Chief Product Officer at BlaBlaCar, the biggest long-distance carpooling network and one of the first French unicorns. Before that, he was a designer at PayPal, exploring how money flows in markets like Russia, Turkey or Dubai. He wrote the book "Discovery Discipline, the radical method to master product discovery", which reveals a bit too much about his obsession for simplicity. Today, he spends his time coaching people and teams who want to become better at building digital products.

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