- π’ Friday, 09:10 - 09:25
This speaker attended in 2023
Ove Dalen is an advisor at Netlife and is considered one of the country's leading experts in online writing and customer experience. For 25 years, Ove has been working with text and writing online. Last year, he published the book "Write Well, Be Understood" (2021), which he co-authored with Christine Calvert. Previously, he has written the books "Effective Web Writing" (2018) and "Digital Strategy for Everyone" (2015).
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@ Friday 09:10 - 09:25
Vi klager over lite gjennomslag hos ledere, men elsker Γ₯ bruke ord de ikke forstΓ₯r. Ove Dalen viser oss hvordan vi kan fΓ₯ bedre gjennomslag og rigge organisasjonene riktig ved Γ₯ snu helt om pΓ₯ argumentasjonen vΓ₯r.