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  • 📢 Thursday, 16:30 - 17:00

This speaker attended in 2023

How To Bullsh*t Your Way To Number 1? Well wouldn’t you like to know? Luckily Oobah Butler knows, and has written an LA Times best-selling book about it! Oobah stood on the Y Oslo stage back in 2019, and is coming back again this year! He’s not only an author and an award-winning filmmaker, he is also a professional con artist.

Oobah Butler’s brain works… Differently. Despite having no formal qualifications, he’s made a name for himself over the past few years by achieving against all odds with little in his pockets and a comical outside-of-the-box way of thinking. After discovering the world’s biggest travel website TripAdvisor wasn’t completely legitimate, he spent six months transforming his garden shed into the platform’s #1 restaurant, dominating world news and attracting over 100m views upon releasing a documentary about it.

Living outside the box

@ Thursday 16:30 - 17:00

Oobah Butler is back!

We don't actually know what he will talk about this year because he refuse to tell us, but we know it will be good!

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