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  • 📢 Thursday, 09:00 - 09:10

Sometimes things are just so good that you keep coming back to it again and again, like we do with Matt. He actually got scored 5,6 out of 6 as the host of Y Oslo both in 2020 and 2021. Wowzers! Needless to say we had to bring him back this year as well!

Matt has made a career out of hosting conferences all over the world, as well as also currently being a professional skier for South Africas national team. His career started in growth-stage venture capital at Conde Nast, investing in 2 unicorns; Farfetch & Vestiare Collective. Matt then followed his entrepreneurial interests and founded a media company (The Lunicorn), to bring entertainment to the innovation industry.

In 2022 he was busy doing triatlons, but this year we are very happy to welcome him back on to the Y Oslo stage! We promise you he will keep us energized and entertained throughout the two conference days.

Welcome back

@ Thursday 09:00 - 09:10

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