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  • 📢 Thursday, 10:40 - 11:05

This speaker attended in 2023

We look forward to hearing Eric Burman's perspective on how we can design with value at the centre. One might suspect that a Global Director of Product Design at Nike is intense and only interested in selling more shoes. Eric is the opposite. Easy-going and more concerned with delivering net positive experiences.

With a deep passion for responsible tech, Eric has led design and strategy for over 17 years and has had an impressive journey from Art Director to "product person."

Respecting Human Vulnerabilities

@ Thursday 10:40 - 11:05

In this talk, Eric will pose the question: Does our metrics obsessed culture paint an accurate picture of the goals and intentions we set out for our users? Or do the efficiencies created by metrics in decision-making and product development amplify and mask unintended harms to individuals and our global communities?

He will examine this topic and propose some radical shifts that we as technologists can make to our current systems thinking. And how designing with values in mind can better allow us to see the "whole" and lead to a more positive and equitable future for all.

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