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  • 📢 Thursday, 13:35 - 13:55

This speaker attended in 2023

Catherine Janson, is the CEO at the Norwegian Police IT Unit (PIT). Catherine will talk about how going from silo mentality to collaborative work across departments and diciplines has proven to achieve better products and services.

By working together Catherine is able to execute changes, motivate and create results, as well as discover new opportunities within technology and digitize with a customer/user focus. She has many years of experience in developing digital products and services, including business development, product development and application development.

Fra siloer til felles mål

@ Thursday 13:35 - 13:55

Catherine viser hvordan politiets digitalisering gikk fra siloer til felles mål og prioriteringer. Hun gir oss tips om hva som skal til for å få til autonome produktteam, felles prioriteringslister og hvordan vi trener på å jobbe i tverrfaglige team.

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