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  • 📢 Friday, 11:00 - 11:20

This speaker attended in 2023

Afonso Franco is a Product Director at Easee and former Vice President at Laerdal Medical. After starting his career at a young age dubbing iconic movies for Disney and Pixar, and playing professional rugby for Portugal’s national team, he fell in love with the beautifully messy world of building tech products.

He's the author of the PM Growth Bubble framework, a writer, an international speaker, and a Product coach.

He's also the founder of Product Debates, the first-ever forum of thought-provoking debates for product people.

How can tech companies and their product leaders create and foster a culture of discovery - that incentivizes product teams to test their ideas continuously? And how can we design an environment that stimulates collaborative experimentation aligned with clear customer and business outcomes? These are some of the things that Afonso will be talking about at Y Oslo in October.

How to foster a culture of discovery

@ Friday 11:00 - 11:20

Most products fail to deliver on expectations, and the reality is that products that no one cares about keep being launched. But why is that?

Afonso believes it boils down to how product organizations are set up to discover value and ensure they are building the right things.

Many product people want to do great "product work", but is that supported by the environment they are part of? Is it incentivized? Is it part of "how things work", aka the culture? Sadly it isn't, most of the time.

So, how can tech companies and their product leaders create and foster a culture of discovery - that incentivizes product teams to test their ideas continuously? How can leaders promote an environment that stimulates collaborative experimentation aligned with clear customer and business outcomes?

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